Biography: The Mouthbat (Gorbachev) is created from the girl's feelings about her speaking, as well as her choice not to speak. It is only alive for the duration of the film, and does not have much of a history. The mouthbat is not very intelligent and is rather predictable, but it regards itself as a clever trickster. Its greatest desire is to be free, but feels something akin to anxiety the further away it gets from the girl. It keeps a safe distance from her for most of the film while being playful, swooping around and leading her into a chase.
Obstacles: The girl, who is trying to reobtain it and take away its freedom.
Status Relationships: It is of both higher and lower status than the girl. When it leads her around town, it is using its ability to fly to get the girl to perform a particular action and demonstrates that it has a higher status. However, the mouth is the only thing that the generally low-status girl treats with any kind of assertiveness. At the end she bests it and demonstrates her higher status.
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